Report FOB Issues
If your FOB fails to unlock the gate, please report the following details ASAP to or 916-965-8964 so we can identify the root cause of the malfunctioning:
- Association name: River City Commons
- Fob number
- Name of the person reporting the issue
- Date & Time of day the issue occurred
- Did the reader beep?
With your cooperation, we can address the issue efficiently and minimize maintenance costs.
Board Meeting Schedule
All Board meetings will be held on the third Monday of the month, unless announced otherwise.
If you have opted to receive your correspondence relating to the River City Commons Association membership and business through e-mail, you will receive a copy of the agenda each month in your in-
box. If you have not opted to do this or can’t find it, you will find copies of the agenda in the document
holders at the park gates after 5:00 P.M. on the Thursday prior to the meeting. If the holder runs out of
agendas, please contact a Board member or OMNI customer service. See how to sign up for e-mail
correspondence below under Resident E-mail List.
Mailbox Questions
Any questions related to mailboxes should be directed to Residents are encouraged to signup for Informed Delivery with USPS. Informed Delivery is a free and optional notification feature that gives you the ability to digitally preview letter-sized mail and manage packages scheduled to arrive soon. Informed Delivery allows users to view what is coming to their mailbox whenever, wherever – even while traveling – on a computer, tablet, or mobile device.
Community Committees
Interested in serving in one of the River City Commons committees? The board is now accepting volunteers for the communications and common area security committees. Please fill out the survey if you are interested in serving on a committee.
Community Management Company
Community Manager
Nicole Vanwig
1-916-965-8964, ext. 139
After hours emergencies: 916-965-8964 then follow prompts for on-call
OMNI Customer Service: 916-965-8964, ext. 199
OMNI Community Management LLC
9807 Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Payment Address:
River City Commons Association
PO Box 95404
Las Vegas, NV 89193-5404