Halloween at River City Commons


RCCA Halloween GroupAttendance at this year’s River City Commons Association Halloween event was pleasantly surprising with over 75 children participating in the event at the  park.  The first 30 children from RCCA received a small toy and glow in the dark wristband in addition to candy distributed to all the trick-or-treaters.  Some RCCA owners reported that they received over 100 trick-or-treaters at their door.



This year’s Best Costume winner was 7 year old Julie who received a $10 gift card to McDonalds.

RCCA Costume Winner










This year’s Best Decorated House winner was Adam and Amber on Chief Court who received a $20 gift card to the New Blue Chinese restaurant.   
RCCA House Winner1 
RCCA House Winner4
RCCA House Winner2
RCCA House Winner5




Thank you to all the parents who brought their children out for the event. A special thank you  to those who donated the printing of the fliers, distributed fliers to every home, donated the toys and candy, and provided the gift cards. It was greatly appreciated.